The art project Looking for Jane Colden uses the lenses of history, science, gender, and contemporary life to examine what was once an 18th century farm named Coldengham and it's 275 year transition to the current day village of Coldenham, near Newburgh, New York. The story is told through the life of Jane Colden who moved there in 1728 as a young child and remained for most of her life. During that time she became Colonial America’s first woman botanist, earning the respect of leading scientists and leaving a valuable record now in the collection of the British Museum.
Looking for Jane Colden consists of: historical research, site visits to contemporary locations and study of the native plants documented in her manuscript. The accumulation of information and materials is the basis for production of a variety of objects and images: historic and contemporary, scientific and romantic, real or imagined. The process resembles archaeology: the collection and re-assembly of broken pieces to form the story of a particular place.